Visionary Veda Blog
by Astrology Devi

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OCTOBER 2023 Vedic Astrology: Lunar Eclipse, Nodes change signs, Saturn stations direct, endings & new beginnings!

This is the last eclipse in the Aries/Libra axis for the next 18 years. During this time we could be feeling mentally confused as to which direction to take in our lives as well as feeling depleted energetically as well as emotionally. Many relationship issues can come to a head right now and quite a few may fall apart at this time… For the next few days do not make any big life decisions due to the eclipse clouding our judgements.

OCTOBER 2023 Vedic Astrology: Pivotal month of extreme change, Solar and Lunar eclipses, and War

We are facing a critical few months ahead with Mars conjoining Ketu until mid-November and Ketu conjoining many planets along with Mars for the same time period. The Annular Solar Eclipse happening October 14th will activate both sidereal Libra and Virgo affecting Entertainment, diplomacy, relationships, the markets along with all other significations of Libra. Expect to see major shift and darkening of the values which both Libra and Virgo represent and signify.

OCTOBER 2023 Vedic Astrology: FULL MOON in Pisces, Letting go and Creating anew, Honoring Ancestors, Planetary Shifts and Eclipses

This mystical full moon in Pisces in the nakshatra of Uttarabhadrapada. It is the energy of diving deep into our subconscious minds and facing whatever blocks we may be unaware of within our psyches that have been stopping us from breaking free and blossoming into our greatest potential. This full moon is the perfect time to dream, imagine and create our lives anew. The energies will support us in transforming ourselves to reflect our highest ideals.

JULY 2023 Vedic Astrology: FULL MOON, Purva Ashada Nakshatra, Guru Purnima – Connect with your inner guide

Full Moon in the sidereal sign of Sagittarius, in the Nakshatra of Purva Ashada. This is the perfect Moon under which to connect with divine cosmic guidance as well as illuminating your own inner wisdom. Any questions or confusion you may have been feeling over the last month or so while both Mars and Venus have been in the watery, emotional sign of Cancer can now receive clarity. In general, this Moon will lend its guiding light so that you can make the best decisions for yourself as well as others moving forward.

JUNE 2023 Vedic Astrology: NEW MOON in Gemini, Mrigashirsha Nakshatra, Saturn Retrograde – seeking out new paths of inspiration!

It’s the perfect time to seek out new horizons which bring more joy and fulfillment to your life. You may be faced with a variety of different opportunities to facilitate change and growth moving forward. However, do not make any concrete decisions at this time as Saturn will be stationing retrograde at the same time as this New Moon. Once Saturn begins its retrograde there could be issues you didn’t expect getting in the way of your path. It may cause us to become stuck if any concrete decision is made on the New Moon itself, and consequently be harder for us to get out of if things aren’t what we had hoped they would be.

MAY 2023 Vedic Astrology: FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse & Buddha Purnima May 5th – Breaking Old Patterns & Partnerships

The Sun, our inner light and authority, will be eclipsed by Rahu giving us a feeling of uncertainty and doubt in our lives. Mercury going retrograde can lead us into unfruitful arguments and misunderstandings. And Jupiter going through the Gandanta zone and changing signs indicates completions of a 12 year cycle and can bring up pain of endings and hard karmic lessons for us.

APRIL 2023 Vedic Astrology: NEW MOON Solar Eclipse, Jupiter Gandanta, Mercury retrograde – Major changes and a new 12 year cycle begins!

The Sun, our inner light and authority, will be eclipsed by Rahu giving us a feeling of uncertainty and doubt in our lives. Mercury going retrograde can lead us into unfruitful arguments and misunderstandings. And Jupiter going through the Gandanta zone and changing signs indicates completions of a 12 year cycle and can bring up pain of endings and hard karmic lessons for us.