Visionary Veda – Vedic Astrology Report



Hi friends!

In this Vedic Astrology report I speak about this coming New Moon on April 11-12th in the sidereal sign of Pisces in the last (27th) nakshatra of Revati.
The soft and gentle nakshatra of Revati is symbolized by the deity Pushan which is seen as a shepherd who guides his flock safely home before the night comes. It is the last nakshatra that ends the planetary journey of the entire zodiac; where the planets and what they signify can relax and let go of all it worked to gain through its travels in each sign. Just after Revati nakshatra the planets go through the Gandanta zone between Pisces and Aries and then fully enter Ashwini nakshatra where a focus on health and vitality return. This will be felt very strongly as Sun will also join Venus in Aries on the 14th for a whole month where it will be exalted! It will be a great time to begin any type of new exercise regimen or learn a new sport.

This new moon is also the start of the Spring Navaratri celebration where we honor and celebrate a different goddess every night for nine nights. On the tenth night we rejoice in the victory of the righteous over the immoral and unjust energies by the Maha (or great) Goddess or Shakti. This is also the new Moon where the first bathing day of the last month of the Kumbha Mela festival starts. So it’s a wonderful day to take a holy dip in a river to purify and cleanse and prepare for a new beginning. Navaratri ends on Ram Navami on the 21st and the last bathing day of the Mela will be on the Full Moon on April 26-27th. This is an especially potent month for purifying and new beginnings as Jupiter has now entered the sidereal sign of Aquarius and will remain there for the next 5 months.

Wishing all a very cleansing and purifying new Moon!

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Thank you for watching! Questions and comments are most welcome.

To see more clearly as to where and how these energies may affect you on a personal level, please feel free to schedule a Vedic Astrology session with me. I will be happy to have a look at your own, personal Vedic birth chart (or ‘Kundali’), to help you see where in your life you may be feeling the impact of the current planetary energies.

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