In this Vedic Astrology report I go over the cosmic waves of celestial energies at play for this potent New Moon happening on Feb 19/20, as well as the powerful all night celebration of MahaShivaratri occurring on Feb 18th. The overriding theme starting with these two days and carrying us beyond is to SURRENDER ourselves to the divine! It is one of the most impactful and supportive celestial periods where we can truly let go of our personal burdens and allow the cosmic forces to liberate us from our encumbrances.

The night of Maha Shivaratri is where we honor and worship lord Shiva when he assumes the form of lord Nataraja performing his fierce and fervent Tandavam or Dance of Destruction and Creation. As lord Nataraja dances wildly yet joyfully, destroying that which is needed while simultaneously creating new and thriving life, he is lost in the cosmic bliss of transformation and recreation. On the night of Feb 18th we venerate Lord Shiva in all his glory through joyful devotional worship and celebration, surrendering unto him everything and anything we wish to release or be liberated from… for lord Shiva has the force and compassion to hold it and transform it for us through his cosmic dance.

On this night the moon will be barely visible and in the Nakshatra of Shravana which is presided over by Lord Vishnu, completely receptive and listening, himself in a state of tranquility and surrender as he placidly floats upon the cosmic ocean of bliss… It is this same ocean which allows us to let go and dissolve all our worldly tensions and deeply relax into knowing that we are taken care of. The very next night is the New Moon in the sidereal sign of Aquarius, the water bearer, happening in the Nakshatra of Shatabhisha which rules over emptiness and healing (wholeness). The themes of letting go deepen as we enter into this New Moon as Varuna, the deity who rules this Nakshatra, is yet another lord over the cosmic waters of purity and cleansing.

This new moon will be closely conjoined a combust Saturn affecting our ability to take on hard work and be disciplined. However it is a good time to plant those seeds so that once Saturn appears from the rays of the Sun, we will be ready to take appropriate actions.

Lastly the celestial and oceanic sign of Pisces will be heavily activated as Jupiter its lord, along with an exalted Venus, will be lending us their unencumbered energies along our path toward divine connection. Venus is seeking the highest and holiest relationship with divinity while Jupiter in its own sign can lead the way and clear our paths through wisdom teaching and practices. To top it all off Neptune has just begun its ingress into the deep, fluid and limitless sign Pisces adding to the theme of letting go and surrendering to that which is greater than ourselves.

In summary, all signs are pointing us to hand it over, give it up and let it go…! Allow the divinity into your life to help ease the burdens we all carry. Take deep rest and rejuvenated yourself by knowing that it’s not all up to you… surrender it to the divine and watch what miracles flow towards you!

Wishing you all a blessed MahaShivaratri and New Moon! Har Har MahaDev!!! Om Namah Shivaya… blessed be!

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