This Powerful Solstice Full Moon continues the theme of destruction and transformation which we have been experiencing since the Full Moon falling on this same axis back in December 25th of last year, and especially since the recent last new moon of June 6th. We are reaching a pivotal peak and this moon will be illuminating exactly what needs to be rooted out from the depths of our beings so that we may make lasting changes and restructure anew. The Nakshatra for this Moon is Moola, which is ruled by Niritti, the great Goddess of destruction and dissolution, while the Sun sits in Ardra Nakshatra lorded by the equally fierce Lord Rudra. Both these fixed Stars sit directly on the plane of the galactic center, indicating upheaval and storms which bring in great destruction of structures that have outlived their purpose in our lives.

Shortly after this Full Moon, we have the powerful karmic planet Saturn going retrograde, giving us a change to establish something new in our lives through methodically reviewing the past and restructuring, reorganizing and repairing places that need attention and a new start. Saturn will be in its retrograde cycle until November 15th, so we have plenty of time to correct our course, however when Saturn stations in the sky on the 29th & 30th of June is the time to implement some action which will move us in the direction of our goals.

I hope you use the energies of this powerful Moon and planetary transits to your advantage for the rest of this month. I am wishing everyone a most blessed Full Moon and Happy Solstice!


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To see more clearly as to where and how these energies may affect you on a personal level, please feel free to schedule a Vedic Astrology session with me. I will be happy to have a look at your own, personal Vedic birth chart (or ‘Kundali’), to help you see where in your life you may be feeling the impact of the current planetary energies.

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