This is new moon continues the recent planetary theme of transformation and reconstruction from the previous full moon. It is probably THE most important new moon of this year, if not for several more.

We are experiencing a power packed planetary placement in the sky with a stellium of FIVE planets (six if we include Uranus) in sidereal Taurus, including a Cazimi Venus! This cazimi and combust Venus is going through a strong purification and as the lord of Taurus, gives us the power to cleanse and purify Venusian significations of our relationships with love, values, finances, food and security. These are primarily second house issues as Taurus is the natural second sign of the zodiac.

Almost every planet, including the entire stellium, will be directly opposing the sidereal sign of Scorpio, indicating the opportunity to finally overcome obstacles which have been long holding us back! Mars gives us power to take action from his 8th aspect from his own sign Aries, Rahu lends his 9th aspect helping us to think of out of the box solutions, and Saturn gives his 10th aspect helping us to be able to see which karmas need clearing and how to clear them!

All of the planets (except Ketu) are DIRECTLY aspecting the transformative sign of Scorpio, as well as creating a Graha Malika Yoga (garland of planets), starting with Saturn and ending with Venus.

Use today and tomorrow to take an HONEST look at your obstacles and challenges and create a solid plan outlining the steps you need to take to overcome them in order to move into a more authentic and aligned version of you! Don’t miss this opportunity of having all the planets support your ability to step up and show up in your life the way you have always dreamed of. I’m wishing everyone out there an amazing new beginning and new moon!

I hope you enjoyed and derived some benefit from this Vedic Full Moon report! Please subscribe and share these videos if you feel to! I appreciate your continued viewership and support!

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To see more clearly as to where and how these energies may affect you on a personal level, please feel free to schedule a Vedic Astrology session with me. I will be happy to have a look at your own, personal Vedic birth chart (or ‘Kundali’), to help you see where in your life you may be feeling the impact of the current planetary energies.

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