Saturn stations still in the sky in the nakshatra or fixed star ⭐️ of Purvabhadrapada before he begins his last retrograde cycle in sidereal Aquarius for the next 30 years, giving us the opportunity to reflect, review and restructure our vision of the future.

Purvabhadrapada is a cosmic and otherworldly star lorded by the deity Aja Ekapada, or the one footed goat symbolizing a lightening bolt or jolt of insight or awareness. It’s likened to Thor or Vajra. Creating a connection to the divine through sudden epiphany.

Saturn being the lord of karma in its mulatrikona sign is ready to go to work to rectify and remediate our past mistakes and realign our goals in order to meet our future objectives. Please take full advantage of this retrograde period from June 30th until November 15th. Stay alert, take an honest and objective look at yourself and what needs to be rectified, put in effort to make the necessary changes, and don’t fall asleep at the wheel!

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