In this Vedic Astrology forecast I go over the energies at play for this benefic and illuminating Full Moon taking place in the sidereal sign of Taurus in the curious and creative Nkashatra of Mrigashira. Mrigashira nakshatra is one of a gentle nature as it is symbolized by the deer, which is also the symbol of the Anahata Chakra. Gentleness, playfulness and love are indicated through the Moon’s placement here.
This Full Moon is one filled with the promise of plenty as it is falling in its exaltation sign and conjoined with the great benefic Jupiter. It is also known as Annapurna Purnima, lending us its nurturing and fulfilling energies of abundance and sustenance. With both Jupiter and Moon aspecting Sun and retrograde Mercury, clarity on our path towards transformation and healing will be available to us.

Mars is currently going retrograde in Moon’s sign of Cancer, helping us to reflect on past actions and work on making our future plans and strategies. While Sun and retrograde Mercury will lend their energies towards giving us insight around how we communicate, and whether it’s through the ego or through the heart. These retrograde planets will help us to review and reflect on our past deeds, and the Moon can help illuminate a new path forward in order to correct our ways and grow into wholeness.
I am wishing everyone a wonderful and inspiring Annapurna Purnima! May the light of love be graced upon you!

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To see more clearly as to where and how these energies may affect you on a personal level, please feel free to schedule a Vedic Astrology session with me. I will be happy to have a look at your own, personal Vedic birth chart (or ‘Kundali’), to help you see where in your life you may be feeling the impact of the current planetary energies.

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